David Reid Homes Grafton to Inverell Postponed

  • By: National Road Series
  • Mar 18, 2020
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Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the most recent advice from the Australian Government, State Governments the Tour de Brisbane will be postponed.

Please see the statement below from event organisers:


By directive of the NSW Police Force, as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) response, the 2020 David Reid Homes Grafton to Inverell, scheduled for Saturday 9 May has been postponed.

We are committed to conducting a successful 60th edition of the ‘Great Race’ and hope to confirm the new date for 2020 as soon as possible.

Entries received for 2020 will be carried over or can be refunded from Cycling NSW upon request.

It is still a great time to ride your bike, so keep fit and healthy and re-set your big event goal for later in the year!

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